With over thirty years’ experience in providing professional business training services, working with hundreds of SMEs across the country. We at the Western Management Centre know that employees are always cited as a company’s biggest asset and the backbone of all enterprises both large and medium scale. Investing in your staff’s professional development is vital for team retention to the point that 94% of Irish employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development

To address the ever-growing value being placed on training by both employees and organisations. WMC have a wide variety of training course ranging from QQI Training Delivery and evaluation through to Train the Trainer course. This is aimed at Supervisors / Managers / Team Leaders who are required to train personnel in practical skills, induction training or other training activities.

But how can training and development improve your organisation?

The most valuable and obvious advantage of training is the opportunity to expand the knowledge base of an organisation which in turn improves productivity. 

However, employers often struggle to justify the expense training can incur. Employees attending training sessions offsite could potentially miss out on scheduled work which could potentially delay the completion of projects. 

Then again, training and development provide both individual employees and organisations as a whole with long term benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment. 

So, what are the benefits of training and development?

Upgrades Employee Performance 

Employees receiving training are more capable to excel in their position. Training not only instills workers with greater confidence in their abilities but also promotes a greater understanding of their responsibilities

This confidence often results in an improvement to their overall performance the ripple effect of this can only benefit the company. Employees who are adept and on top of changing industry standards help your company hold a position as a frontrunner and strong competitor within the industry.

Improved Employee Morale and Satisfaction 

By investing in training companies can tangibly show employees they are valued. Training is key to cultivating a supportive work environment as it gives employees necessary tools to problem solve effectively reducing workplace stress whilst simultaneity improving productivity

Employees who feel both stimulated and valued through training opportunities feel more job satisfaction.

Strengthening Employee Skill Sets

Most employees will have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge. Providing the necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others.

Increased Consistency

Quality training and development programs ensure employees have reliable experience and background knowledge of their field. Uniformity and reliability are essential when developing and carrying out organisations basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be aware of standard procedures and what is expected of them Increased efficiencies in such processes result in less confusion resulting in better employee time management.

Increased Productivity

Predictably companies who invest in training see a marked increase in productivity. Increased efficiency in processes results in increased employee’s output. Which in turn improve company turnover and potential market share.

Supports Innovation and Creativity

Prioritising training and upskilling of the workforce can inspire creative problem solving and innovation through employee collaboration. Fresh perspectives of old problems can be explored which in turn lead to increased proficiencies

Increased Employee Retention 

An employee who feels valued by an organisation if they are invested in and therefore, less likely to seek employment elsewhere.

Training and development are frequently seen less as an obligation undertaken by employees and more as additional company benefits. Recruitment costs, consequently drop due to staff retention.

Boosts Company Profile 

Organisations that prioritise training are naturally more attractive to potential ambitus recruits who actively seek to improve their skills. Being recognised for developing a successful training strategy helps to develop a strong employer brand and make your company a prime consideration for recent graduates and mid-career changes. Showcasing employee training is also a rich content source for a company’s website and social media channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn all of which evaluate an organisation brand recognition.

Western Management Centre – Leading development in the right direction.

Click here to book your place on our Train The Trainer Programme.

Author: Fiona Molloy