Quality Assurance Handbook
The Leading Health & Safety and Business Training Provider in the West of Ireland.

Our QA Manual
Please select the section of the Quality Assurance Manual you wish to view.
Section 2 - Governance & Structures for WMC
Section 3 - Documented Approach to QA
Section 4 - Programmes of Education & Training
Section 5 - Staff Recruitment, Management
Section 6 - Teaching and Learning
Section 7 - Assessment of Learners
Section 8 - Support for Learners
Section 9 - Information & Data Management
Section 10 - Public Information & Communication
Section 5: Staff Recruitment, Management, Learning and Development
5.1 Recruitment and Selection Policy
5.1.1 Purpose
This policy document outlines the policy and procedures for the selection and recruitment of staff. Please note that Staff Recruitment, Management, and Learning and Development is a Shared Service provided to Western Management Centre (WMC) by its parent company ICE Group.
All the departments/companies within the ICE group use these Shared Services as required. The main benefit of Shared Services relates to cost and efficiency management. From an operational perspective, the use of Shared Services avoids duplication and also can avoid potential different outcomes occurring.
5.1.2 Policy Statement
The objective of the recruitment and selection policy is to ensure the appointment of the most suitable person for a given post, based on a candidate’s skills and experience. All decisions relating to recruitment and selection must be justifiable in relation to criteria as outlined in the job specification.
A fundamental part of the process is to ensure that standards of fairness and equality are maintained.
The Company upholds this principle by promoting the continued development of company practices which do not discriminate unfairly on the grounds of gender, marital status, age, disability, race, colour, religious belief, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
5.1.3 Scope
This recruitment and selection procedure should be consulted by all members of staff involved in any aspect of the recruitment and selection process.
5.1.4 Responsibility of
Staff involved in any part of the process are responsible for upholding the policy. All Managers and Human Resources Manager are responsible for monitoring the policy.
5.1.5 Processes and Procedures
1. The Position
- The recruitment and selection process begins with a vacancy to be filled, either a new position, or vacant existing position
- The relevant Manager will confirm the vacancy to the Human Resources Manager
- The relevant Manager will clarify and sign off the job specification with the Human Resources Manager before advertising the vacancy
- When it is authorised by relevant personnel it will be added to the recruitment plan (where relevant)
2. Advertising the Position
- A suitable advertising medium both internally and externally will be determined by the relevant Manager
- Senior Management/Managing Director will sign off on the relevant advertising approach selected
- The Human Resources Manager is responsible for promoting the vacancy
3. Short-listing
Short-listing is the process whereby candidates are assessed against the agreed criteria, on the basis of information provided in the application, in order to eliminate unsuitable candidates and identify those candidates who seem to best meet the criteria for further assessment.
- Short-list all applicants who possess the essential criteria as stated in the job specification
- The reasons for not short-listing unsuccessful applicants are noted
- The Human Resources Manager or the recruitment specialist will contact the short-listed candidates for interview
4. Interviews
An interview is one of the most widely used techniques in the recruitment and selection process. The interview is structured around the applicant’s experience and knowledge to date regarding the skills and qualities required for the position.
- First and, where applicable, second interviews are conducted by the Human Resources Manager and the relevant Manager. Candidates are short-listed for final interview
- The Managing Director and relevant Manager conduct the final interview
Interview Questions
A set of questions are agreed based on the essential and desirable criteria, which will form the basis of the job description. The interviewer must ensure that questions asked: –
- Are relevant to the position;
- Are aimed at assessing the candidates in relation to the agreed criteria and eliciting information which will assist the interviewers in selecting the best candidate for the job;
- Cannot be construed as potentially discriminatory under the nine factors covered by the Employment Equality Act, 1998, i.e. gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, religion, race, family status, age, or membership of the travelling community
The questions that are asked need to be relevant to the specific job.
Other Forms of Assessment
The Company reserves the right to use a variety of assessment techniques; such additional forms of assessment will include, giving a brief presentation on a particular subject, or completing an assessment of computing skills.
Assessment for Tutors
The selection and recruitment stage will initially assess the pedagogical and technical competence of Tutors. The following minimum pre-requisite requirements apply to all new Tutors:
- Pedagogical/ QQI Level qualification(s) as appropriate to specific training course/ specialism (a minimum of one Level higher on the NFQ to the programme being taught)
- Appropriate Pedagogical/ QQI Level qualification(s) as appropriate to specific training course/ specialism, at the same level as the overall course specification that is being delivered and also 4 years or more of teaching and/or training experience
5. Reference Checks
Referee checks provide another source of information about the candidate(s). They should be seen as one part of the selection process.
Two satisfactory work references must be obtained for all appointments made. The references should be from two previous employers (if an employer reference is not available, a character reference can be taken, however the Senior Management should be informed before taking up the reference).
6. Evidence of Qualifications
The Company reserves the right to request evidence of qualifications as stated on an applicant’s CV.
7. Making the Appointment
Applicants should be ranked suitable/unsuitable for appointment based on:
Assessment of CV and accompanying documentation
- Performance at interview(s)
- Further evidence (e.g. presentations, skills testing etc.)
- Reference checks
- Differences and reasons should then be discussed. (Note: The discussions should not include rumour, “general opinion”, “the grapevine says”, or unsubstantiated gossip)
8. Pre- Employment Medical Checks
The Company may make a job offer on the condition of passing a pre-employment medical check.
The primary purpose of the pre-employment medical check is to assess an individual’s fitness for a particular position or occupation with regard to the requirements of that position.
9. Making Employment offers
Appointments are confirmed by the Senior Management/Managing Director.
10. Unsuccessful Applicants
Unsuccessful applicants will be issued with a letter advising that they have not been selected for the role in question. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for ensuring that all unsuccessful applicants are notified.
11. Post Interview Feedback
The Human Resources Manager should provide post-interview feedback to all applicants who request it. Post-interview feedback should be constructive and be phrased in terms of the selection criteria. Any discussion of comparative skills and abilities of applicants should be avoided so that specific information about other applicants is not disclosed.
Post-interview feedback is aimed at providing constructive assistance to unsuccessful applicants and does not imply an unsatisfactory standard of work or behaviour. Post-interview feedback should be essentially the same for all applicants i.e. based on the specific criteria outlined for the post.
5.2 Induction Policy
5.2.1 Purpose
The objective of the induction policy is to ensure the Staff Introduction to ICE Group is communicated in an efficient and professional manner. Please note that Staff Recruitment, Management, and Learning and Development is a shared service provided to Western Management Centre (WMC) by its parent company ICE Group.
All the departments/companies within the ICE group can use these Shared Services as required. The main benefit of Shared Services relates to cost and efficiency management. From an operational perspective, the use of Shared Services avoids duplication and also can avoid potential different outcomes occurring.
5.2.2 Policy Statement
The induction will cover the Group Mission Statement, ISO Certification, QQI Quality Assurance, Quality Policy and Core Values as well as the information needed to Be Bloody Brilliant.
5.2.3 Responsibility of
The Human Resources Manager is responsible for monitoring and upholding the Policy.
5.2.4 Processes and Procedures
All Staff undertake an induction when they commence employment.
All Full/ Part-time Employees, those on Fixed Term or Specified Purpose Assignments will complete an induction online on our LMS, ICELEARN.
The online programme is divided into sections to assist in effective learning.
- Day One: Getting Started
- Week One: Finding Your Feet
- Your First Month: Settling In
All Full/ Part-time employees will receive an Induction Plan and a Training Record from Human Resources that they will need to complete.
With the resources provided in the induction, it is the responsibility of the employee to complete the contents of both the Induction and Training plan.
Academic Tutors and Trainers will also complete an induction which is based on the contents of their Tutor Handbook. The Tutor Handbook will cover all items required to understand the systems and procedures to be followed.
Introduction to the GROUP
As a Business Services Group, that specialises in the provision of quality education and training, recruitment, and outsourced payroll and HR services. We operate in offices in Galway, Limerick, and Sligo. We also have a virtual office in Dublin.
There are number of companies in the Group and these operate in specific service areas. The services are in:
- Recruitment
- Training
- Outsourced Payroll
- HR Services
- Project Management
We recognise that our store of intellectual capital and the goodwill that we build with our customers depends on how we develop you as an employee. Whether your contribution is in professional, administrative, or technical areas, we work very much as an integrated team – each respecting and recognising the other.
ICE Group Recruitment Agency offers permanent, temporary and contract positions across all employment sectors.
H.R. Project Management
Our HR Project Management services include outsourcing of recruitment functions, outplacement services and management of training networks.
Computer and Business Training
We Program Manage Contracted Training Services including the Education & Training Board’s (ETB’s) in Galway & Roscommon, Kerry, Mayo & Sligo.
We have Pitman Training Centres in Galway, Sligo, and Limerick.
ICE Group is the leading and longest established training centre in the West of Ireland.
Corporate Training
Galway Executive Skillnet is a multi-sector learning network, supporting regional growth and workforce development through the provision of quality, industry-led training for both technical and non-technical skills needs.
Western Management Centre provides professional training facilities. It is the leading organisation in Business and Health & Safety training.
Outsourced Payroll Bureau
Our payroll bureau provides a one-stop payroll solution for over 20 years to a client base extending throughout Ireland, United Kingdom, USA, and Australia. The Group consists of a number of companies that facilitate an efficient financial model.
The companies are:
Figure 6 – ICE Group Company Logos
Mission Statement
ICE Group is a growing, dynamic, and vibrant multi-service company. We regard change as an opportunity for our further development. Our commitment is a never-ending quest for perfection, providing even greater value and service to our customers and greater prosperity for each of us.
This mission statement encapsulates the history and recent growth levels of ICE Group. Based in Galway, Ireland, ICE Group commenced operations in 1972, starting out as a recruitment agency and secretarial service. From humble beginnings, the company has grown considerably in size. Our Offices in Galway, Dublin, Sligo, and Limerick serve a wide range of companies, including indigenous businesses, public services, and Irish subsidiaries of multinationals. We have worked diligently with our clients over the past number of years and have experienced unprecedented growth throughout the Irish market.
The induction programme is designed to assist staff in their transition into the GROUP culture and workplace and to provide the information relating to the induction, including key services provided by the Group, obligations as an employee and other useful hints to help settle staff into their new role.
Staff may return to their induction programme for easy reference throughout their employment with the group.
5.3 Learning and Development Policy
5.3.1 Purpose
This document outlines the purpose, scope, responsibilities, and monitoring mechanisms for learning and development opportunities available for all staff. Please note that Staff Recruitment, Management, and Learning and Development is a shared service provided to Western Management Centre (WMC) by its parent company ICE Group.
All of the departments/companies within the ICE group can use these Shared Services as required. The main benefit of Shared Services relates to cost and efficiency management. From an operational perspective, the use of Shared Services avoids duplication and also can avoid potential different outcomes occurring.
5.3.2 Policy Statement
The Learning and Development Policy ensures that all staff have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviours to meet business objectives. Learning and development opportunities are available for all staff members. This ensures that academic and administrative staff continue to have sufficient expertise and experience to meet the requirements of their roles and contribute to an enhanced professional environment.
5.3.3 Responsibility of
This policy is the responsibility of Human Resources.
5.3.4 Scope
All Staff.
5.3.5 Processes and Procedures
- The Company will assist staff in achieving learning and development (L&D) objectives. However, ultimate responsibility for learning and development (L&D) resides with staff
- L&D needs will be identified as part of the annual review process. They will be discussed with management and the needs of the company will be taken into account before agreement
- L&D needs may arise as the result of new projects, changes in legislation and / or introduction of new policies & procedures etc.
- When requesting L&D, staff and Directors must take into consideration the timing, amount of training involved, and the value it will add to the business. In the 12-month period following completion of any L&D activity, further requests may be given a lesser priority than those from staff who have not undertaken any L&D activity in the same period
- The Managing Director must approve all L&D requests. Staff may not pre book courses if not approved where they affect the business needs of the company e.g. customer commitments, during working hours etc.
- The decision to approve L&D, will be made by weighing up the balance between productivity and the increased productivity potential and personal development
- If a staff member identifies L&D activities, not identified in a business plan, one months’ notice minimum must be given to the Managing Director prior to the start date
- The L&D policy and procedure does not grant staff an automatic right to development activities or a right to undertake development actions within specified periods of time
- Business priorities and resources will determine L&D activities to be taken. Notwithstanding, the organisation is keen to assist staff in this area as far as it possibly can
- It is a requirement for all staff to undertake Learning and Development as part of their position in the Group
- Participation in the Company SMART Day(s) will count as part of a staff members’ Learning & Development
- All staff must aim to undertake 6 days Learning & Development per annum
- It may be the case that Learning & Development will take place outside of a staff members’ work pattern
- Each staff member will be required to produce a report following the Learning & Development. Staff will be required to present the material to colleagues, in order to share the learning
How am I eligible?
- Possess a satisfactory record of attendance, efficiency and conduct
- The course and qualification must be of direct relevance to your job or the work of the company. Courses will only be approved if staff can show clear benefits to the company and themselves
- L&D has been approved by the Managing Director and the appropriate L&D Form has been completed and signed
Payment for approved courses
Tuition Reimbursement
Financial assistance for tuition fees may be available, provided that staff have sought prior approval to enrol for the course. Among the factors determining the extent of this assistance will be the relevance of the course to the company’s business. This decision is at the discretion of the company.
Staff may be reimbursed for:
- student registration fee and/or
- examination fee and/or
- lecture/course fee and/or
- correspondence course fee
Monies for external courses may only be refunded when staff pass their exams and on receipt of a copy of qualifications or of official exam results and original receipts.
Course Materials and Books
The company does not pay for course material or books.
Examination fees
The company may pay examination fees. Staff are responsible for payment for repeat exams and re-sits or any other additional costs incurred when repeating or re-sitting any course or exam.
Fee Repayment
In the event that staff leave this employment during their studies or within twelve months of completing their course, they will be required to repay the cost of the course in full. In the event that staff leave employment with ICE Group within twelve to eighteen months of completing their course, they will be required to repay 40% of the cost of the course. The company may deduct monies owed from their final salary payment or seek them to be repaid on the employee’s leave date, if salary payment is inadequate.
In the event that staff leave employment with ICE Group after eighteen months of completing their course, no repayment costs will apply.
Learning and Development can be defined as any activity designed to help employees become more effective at their work by improving, updating or refining their knowledge and skills. It encompasses a range of activities including, for example, involvement in various projects, attendance at training courses, conferences or seminars, visits to other offices, work shadowing, formal study, coaching and mentoring. L&D can be provided / directed by internal personnel and third parties.
The ‘cost of the course’ is defined as any monies paid on your behalf by the company for the course to third parties. For Pitman Training Courses the ‘cost of the course’ is defined as the Recommended Retail Price of the course at the time of course approval.
5.4 Performance Management Policy
5.4.1 Purpose
Please note that Staff Recruitment, Management, and Learning and Development is a shared service provided to Western Management Centre (WMC) by its parent company ICE Group.
All of the departments/companies within the ICE group can use these Shared Services as required. The main benefit of Shared Services relates to cost and efficiency management. From an operational perspective, the use of Shared Services avoids duplication and also can avoid potential different outcomes occurring.
The purposes of the performance management system are as follows:
- To provide staff with feedback on performance relative to objectives that were established at their previous performance review or at the commencement of employment with ICE Group, in relation to individual work responsibilities
- To set objectives and standards to guide an employee in their goals and achievements
- To provide an opportunity to identify and discuss training requirements and needs
- Staff may use the opportunity to express their views and opinions and to communicate with the Manager on any current issue
5.2.2 Policy Statement
The Performance Management Policy is a Shared Services policy across staff recruitment, management, and learning and development.
5.2.3 Scope
This policy applies to all full-time, part-time and contract employees.
5.2.4 Responsibility of:
All Employees are responsible for adhering to the policy and procedure. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for monitoring the policy.
5.2.5 Processes and Procedures
I.C.E. Group will conduct the performance management system after 30 days, at probationary review, and as required on an annual basis thereafter, unless otherwise stated in the employee’s letter/Contract of Employment. Each performance review will be documented and recorded in an employee’s personnel file.
In the interim, staff should always feel comfortable to talk to their Manager at any stage throughout the year and should not wait for a performance management meeting to discuss any issues or concerns that they may have. Conversely, if a Manager has any issues regarding staff conduct or work performance, these also may be taken up outside the Performance Management schedule.
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Galway Business Park, Dangan,
Galway, Ireland.